Hash Naming Deciphered


An indirect reference to a botched circumcision job, but also rumoured to be an accident with a power mower. The constant stench of garlic (which helps perpetuate the calamari name) comes from cloves that he carries in his pockets, in the belief that if it keeps everyone else at bay then it will work against the Receiver of Revenue as well.

Fairly active since around run 600.

If he can, he will set from the front door of his office - in flagrant disregard of the pack's baying for bush runs. As one who spends his days in the bush looking for beacons and being chased by mobs or revisionist wannabe capitalists, he seems to prefer tar and suburbia.


Ever so often he is known to retreat to a local fat farm where he swears he relaxes in spa baths and drinks bush tea with the matrons. A persistent rumour claims that he uses the opportunity to clear out more than his pores, and that the pickings among the ladies fed only on rabbit food are abundant.
Elected Religious Advisor in 1996, he has the record of being the first RA to never do a damn thing that's expected of him. The only stirring of duty was arranging a down-down for "My Slut" from Madagascar; and presumably only because it fitted in with a greater plan for later. A futile attempt, especially as she was in the company of a devious fellow with the hashname "Truncheon", the origins of that name still being open to speculation.

Run Record
Poor to middling. But he should improve.

Worst Run Ever
His first run was a shocker! An avid technologist, he figured that day-glo aerosol spray would be a great marker - and evidence of that run is still glaringly evident in parts of Umgeni Park. The home run was delared east of the Ocean View ridge, which resulted in an entire pack of SCBs invading duplex compounds and gardens in an attempt to avoid the drop to the river. Many an unpleasant memory of that night - and the Bundeberg Rum.

Apres Habits
Wors, wors and more wors. Can't fault that. And he hasn't run out of beer once yet.

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